Friday, January 16, 2009

Assignment 5-Early Canadian Settlers

The misjudgment by Jacques Cartier led to the European settlement in Canada. It was 1534 when the development of this country began.

The early Canadian settlers are acknowledged for establishing the base of Canada. Many of us still wonder how they did it. Even though there are so many items protecting us from the cold, we can barely tolerate the weather. If humans today can't stand the cold temperatures, then it would have been nearly impossible to do it 100 years ago. Therefore, we might as well consider the Early Canadians our heroes.

If the Early settlers wanted to live, they would have to work. Obtaining shelter, food and clothing were their three biggest challenges. Some would say it's in comparison to winning the 649 lottery. Since there were many nearby forests, settlers would have a lifetime-supply of lumber. With the wood, they had built log houses. If there were any cracks they would fill it with lime or sand to provide better warmth in the winter. Some settlers did the outside labour in the summer, but most had to do it in the cold harsh weather when they arrived.

The one and most important essential part of life is food. Settlers would fish, hunt and grow vegetables on their tiny strips of land. Early Canadian settlers would rely on animals to provide them food and clothes. They would do anything to feed their young, starving family. Canadian settlers would have to gather enough food to last them the whole winter. This process could somewhat be related to hibernation.

It is imperative that you have proper clothing in cold temperatures. Even a sweater would be risky to wear. Since the settlers did not have any scarves or snow hats their skin would get exposed to the cold. A hundred years ago men used to wear jackets made of moose or deer skin. They also used to wear pants held up by a leather belt. Ladies would wear dresses made out of wool. Knit stockings were attached to provide more warmth. Early settlers would also make gloves and boots out of leather. This is how the Early Canadian settlers managed to live in the cold, cruel weather.

I will now explain why the settlers chose to stay in Canada.

- One hundred years ago countries would be governed by strict humans, whereas Canada was free

-there was more availability of merchandise and farm land

-Canada would accommodate men without persuading them to join the army

-Canada was clean and pollution-free

- Unlike other countries it wasn't overcrowded

Canada was, and still is the perfect place to become prosperous at something

Moving on to my personal story.
My family originates from India, so traveling half way across the world was a big difference.
My grandfather had moved to Canada to do his PHD and to find a good job. Soon the family began to expand and here I found myself, in the country's capital. It took us a few years to adapt to the cold weather because in India you would never find such temperatures. To protect us from the cold we wear mittens, boots, a winter coat, pants, a hat and scarf. Both of my sisters and parents hate the cold. I'm the only one in the family who doesn't mind the chilly weather. My family and I try to limit the number of times we go outside in the winter. I think life is still very pleasant, but to the Early Settlers life was like a barrier.

Here are 3 things I learned from this assignment:
-Immigrants have such a tough time dealing with the cold, disturbing weather(especially if coming from a country near the border)
-Early settlers had to go through many obstacles to help establish the country
-Canada has everything to offer and it is the perfect place to begin a new life;_ylt=AujmhPUadzPnBEMWrVNwFd0jzKIX;_ylv=3?qid=20090115171657AAuda2f


Shauna Pollock said...

Did the early settlers arrive only 100 years ago?