Hi, my name is Chang-Sue-Ying, but you can call me Jenny. If you were to ask me who I am, I would just say I'm one of the hundred women who lost their husbands in the making of the Canadian Pacific Railroad. My husband put his heart and soul into whatever he did, no matter what obstacles he had to overcome. Besides, he only made a dollar a day so what exactly was the point of coming to this country? Employment, well I certainly don't think so! I left my whole family behind in 1881, and I haven't even met them since then. You are probably thinking why this job is so dangerous, well wait till you hear this: people were having concussions, severe pulmonary disorders and fatal heat strokes. The conditions outside were terrible and the terrain was formidable. This is what made the job so backbreaking and highly-treacherous.
Take a look at some pictures I have stored in my camera
From these pictures you probably think that this task could be completed with much ease. Well imagine building a railroad on a place like this.
Year 1954
If my husband was still here with us today,I'm sure he would describe the experience like this. There we were, me and my fellows, working till there was nothing more we could give. Through the North Saskatchewan River and into the Rocky Mountains, passing obstacle after obstacle, working in the gazing heat. It had clearly become a nightmare for us. Today we head to work, hoping that our destiny will not betray us. First Suing Lee, my friend, was wiped out from the laborious work as he was trying' to find his way through the souls of the hills. Next came Chang, his luck was not friendly. Why you say, because he slipped off the railway tracks and still had 500 feet until he hit level ground. I tried to put the picture onto paper but I don't know if it turned out so well......please don't pay attention to the asteroids!
Now I will share some of my knowledge with you about the Canadian Pacific Railway. In 1881,the construction of the CPR began. I might have mentioned this before, but the railway was built through various geographical landscapes such as bog, the Canadian Rocky Mountains, and the long prairies. Since the CPR was going to stretch through Saskatchewan and Alberta where only bone-dry lands were found, the investors were quite worried. There might not be any traffic along the railway and they might not be able to make a profit. There was no option left for the investors but to develop the area itself. You can see how different things were affected by the Canadian Pacific Railway. The amount of money spent toward the construction of the CPR was ridiculous. First came a $25,000,000 dollar loan, then another $5,000,000 all in the support of the Canadian Pacific Railway. Even 1% of the money spent in the construction could have helped millions of families affected by the building of the CPR.
I just like to tell you folks, to watch out for those greedy people out there using your talent for their benefit and then not repaying you in a respective way.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Assignment # 10 - Canadian Pacific Railway
Posted by amitj at 10:35 AM 0 comments
Monday, March 2, 2009
Bonus Assignment
I think our school should support poverty because it has become a big factor in today's world. Here are some of the interesting facts on poverty:
- At least 80% of humanity lives on less 1$ a day
- Nearly a billion people entered the 21st century without being able to read or write
- 1 percent of the money spent on weapons in US could have funded for the education of every single child living in poverty
- every second child born is known to be living in poverty
- 400 million people in the world don't have access to clean water
-half of the people in the world have health problems related to water and sanitation deficits
- 1 in 7 people have no access to heath services
- 1-5 people have no access to clean water
- 1-3 do not have adequate shelter
Here is something we could do as a school to support poverty in the world
-I think we should start a orphanage in a country like India, China or Africa where the poverty percentage rates are very high
Here are some things we can do to raise the money for the orphanage
- start making art creations that can sell for a well-ranged price
- have a bake-sale to raise money
- do the same thing for hoops for heart except as skip for orphans
Posted by amitj at 9:59 AM 0 comments
Friday, February 20, 2009
Assignment #8-Louis Riel Interview
Most of us would describe him as a vibrant and distinctive man. Louis Riel is seen to have many different characteristics and a personality that can not clearly be specified. I am shortly going to introduce this man before we move on to the interview.
Louis Riel, a Metis Leader, played a huge part in the foundation of Manitoba. He had supported the Metis people in the North-West Rebellion prior to getting back their respect from the Canadian government. The Dominion of Canada was strong but with the help of loyal supporters and friends, the Metis could get what they want . Louis Riel managed to claim vast properties for the Metis while also making sure they had equal rights. Though, why would Louis Riel stand up for them? One possible answer is that one-eighth of his blood was Metis . From what has been said so far, Louis Riel can definitely be described as a young, brave freedom fighter.
Be aware, because the following sentences might change your opinion about this guest. It is known to be that Louis tried to create a rebellion between the Native Americans and the Metis. This way he could come back into Canada after being sent away by the Canadian government. He tried creating many more rebellions that would benefit him in securing land titles in Saskatchewan. Louis Riel eventually got caught and soon was severely punished. The Metis were sad to know that a traitor was representing their heritage for such a long time. Louis Riel also led to the execution of Thomas Scott. Nobody had any sympathy left for this man, and in punishment, he was hung. :(
Now we will proceed on to the interview with Louis Riel!
Amit-Hello Louis, I am honoured to have you as a live ghost for us on today's special show
Louis Riel- Well thank you, I was really looking forward to this dayAmit- I have a few questions , I hope you don't mind answering them for us
Amit- Could you clarify for us why people look to you as having two different personality traits. For example, you were the same person who led to the execution of Thomas Scott and the same person who gave the Metis "equal rights". Would you call yourself a hero or a villain?
Louis Riel- Wow, slow down there a bit! It's a long story, though people can go ahead and think what they want. I helped the Metis because I believed in what was right. I stood up for them and gave them some confidence. It just turned out be that there were some minor interferences. I don't know if that was something very heroic but I'm sure it was something brave and nice. What might change your opinion is the execution of Thomas Scott. I think it was truly selfish of him to try and overthrow my provisional government. By the way, it's not like it was entirely my fault. Well maybe it was, and I'm starting to regret it. (Tears) . I guess it might be true, I was also a traitor to the Metis, and a villain to Canada. PLEASE do not forget the good things I have done in my life.(forming the province Manitoba)
Amit-: I understand, but sometimes we have to get over it and move on in life. Well for you, it's a special case, because your life is unfortunately over. Anyways, how do you feel about a day that is named after you. Do you think you deserve to be remembered?
Louis Riel: I am delighted to know that there is one whole day named after me. Even till today kids are looking back and remembering the good side of me. Sorry, I don't want to break out into tears of joy but their is no other way of expressing my happiness. Some people look up to me as a role model and I am really grateful for that. Though most recognize me for being colourful, and I guess that could be something to appreciate. I know that the exciting events in my life can be very interesting and maybe that is why I was remembered. Near death, nobody had any pity left for me. The execution of Thomas completely changed how I was viewed by the government . What made them more angry was that I came back into Canada to institute the North-West Rebellion. I'm sorry, but it's hard to tell you if I deserve to be remembered.
Louis Riel: When the Metis were under my leadership, I formed a provisional government. It's main goal negotiated the terms of Manitoba entering Canadian confederation. The government had a list of rights. This included managing the Metis' lives and protecting their civil liberties. I was afraid that United States might ask us to join confederation with them so I made this provisional government. It lasted long enough to establish the Legislative Assembly of Assiniboia which passed laws. There is an argument on whether the provisional government was legal or not, but I am not here to discuss that. Thank you very much and that is all I have to say
Louis Riel: Well folks, this show is almost over and so is my time in this world. I can only visit Earth one day of the year, LOUIS RIEL DAY!
Amit: Louis, I hope you know that we will remember you centuries beyond this point. Thank you very much for being here with us today. Lets give a huge round of applause for Mr.Riel.
(Audience claps)
Amit: Good night ladies and gentlemen. I'll being seeing you on Victoria day with the live ghost of.... Queen Victoria!!
Posted by amitj at 2:00 PM 1 comments
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Canadian Personalities
Hi, this is Amit writing a response to Assignment 7-Canadian Personalities
#3. Link to this assignment in your post and make sure to introduce each section of your post by writing the question that you are answering either in bold or in another colour.
Click here to find out about Canadian personalities
#4 Answer the following questions:
a) Which category of the Canadian Personalities interested you the most? Did you like the "we inspired", "we founded",'' we fought","we built", or "we governed" section the best? Why?
The section that fascinated me the most was "We Governed". I am interested in this section because it is significant to the history of Canada. They have formed the base of this country so that we can develop on it and become prosperous. They have united the provinces and colonies bringing us all together under the name of one country. I think we should remember them for their service to Canada. They have kindly devoted their time to make this country a better place to live. To specify exactly who I'm talking about, here are some examples; JoeySmallwood, Pierre Elliot Trudeau, Jeanne Sauve , Tommy Douglas and John A. McDonald. Each one of them are significant to the establishment of the country we know today. This is why I preferred the "We Governed" section the most.
b) Which personality interested you the most? Why? Find an image of him or her to embed and write, in your own words, a short description of him or her and why you chose that person. If you get the information from any source, you must credit it by linking to it (that includes information from the site I've asked you to look at).The personality of John A. McDonald interested me the most. I chose this specific Prime Minister because he's someone who is very well-known. It has been so long since his existence, therefore making it even more interesting to bring up his name. Especially when we come to know how his achievements about 200 years ago, positively affect us even till today. If you search on google, you can find over 10,000 pictures of John A. McDonald. In fact, we had even completed a project this year concentrating on his National Policy. I found John A. McDonald to be a very intriguing person.
Most of us know him as the first Prime Minister of Canada, but many do not know what he has done for us. John A. McDonald was the founder of the "Great National Policy". The first part of this economic program was based on protecting the Canadian manufacturing industries. The second part included the expansion of Western Canada and the last part mentioned building a transcontinental railway. When relating back, we can all see that it links to the development of Canada. John A. McDonald led the Canadian delegation at the Charlottetown Conference, while also influencing New Brunswick and Nova Scotia to join Confederation. Later on, he also managed to get the acceptance from Prince Edwad Island. John A. McDonald had made great efforts towards expanding Canada and making us a united nation. If it weren't for our first Prime Minister, the country's condition today, would be close to indescribable!!
I had visited Wikepedia to obtain some more information.
c) In your post suggest three more influential Canadian personalities that could be added to the site. Why did you choose these people? Which categories would they fit into? Link to the information about each of them.
Sir Wilfrid Laurier was the seventh Prime Minister of Canada. He believed in distributing the powers evenly among all the provinces. Wilfrid wanted to connect French and English Canada so that they would merge into one large nation. He spent much of his time forming the provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan. Sir Wilfred formed the Royal Canadian army and also mentioned free trade with the United States. He was a very respected politician in the 45 years of his career as a member of parliament. To honor Sir Wilfrid for his accomplishments, a portrait of him is displayed on the Canadian five-dollar bill. He has done many great things for this country (mentioned all above) and that is why I have chosen him. I think this personality would fit under the category of "We Governed." Click here to find out more about Sir Wilfrid Laurier.
Roberta Bondar was an astronaut, but unlike the others, she was a woman! Not only was she the first woman in space, but also the first neurologist. Besides these two occupations, Roberta was a physician, scientist, and photographer. She could also be considered a author after writing a book entitled "Touching the Earth". Roberta Bondar trained for years to reach the appropriate fitness level needed to travel in space. Robert thought that she would be considered a disgrace to all women if she backed down. Therefore, in a matter of time, she found herself up in space with five other men. After successfully completing the mission, Roberta Bondar started promoting physical fitness, environmental care and girls education in mathematics and science. The number of jobs she has done and her motivation towards young kids is what made me want to choose her. This fits under the category of "We Inspired". Click here to find out more about Roberta Bondar.
Marilyn Bell was 16 when she attempted to swim across Lake Ontario. On a September day, 1954, this young athlete was competing against a world famous long distance swimmer. During the race, her competitor dropped out, but Marilyn continued to strive towards the end. It was unbelievable, she was able to swim a whole 52 kilometers! The crowd was indeed amazed, as they had just seen the first woman to swim from New York to Toronto. Marilyn had played such an inspiring role in this story. She withstood the pain and harsh conditions, just so that she could prove her capability to those who underestimated her. Today, as a retired swimmer, Marilyn still motivates people to reach far and go beyond. I truly admire what this human being stands for. She would fit under the category of "We Inspired".Click here to find out more about Marilyn Bell.
** I have basically described the life of the three influential Canadians but at the same time I am noting why I have chosen them. My writing strategy: First I read and understand their biography, then I make up the paragraph myself. To be able to understand the story I read the biography a few more times. This way I will remember and also gain more general knowledge.
Which History-Maker did you have the most common with? Were you able to figure out the person from the clues given. What do you share with that person? What are some of the things that are different between you and that person?
Clue #1
I was born on March 3, 1890 Gravenhurst Ontario
Clue #2
I had an older sister and younger brother
Clue # 3
My first language was English, but I also learned French, Spanish and Chinese.
Clue #4
Some of my friends called me "Beth"
Clue #5
I studied medicine in Toronto at the college co-founded by my grandfather
Clue #6
I was ahead of my time when I organized a group to make quality health care free in 1936
Clue #7
I traveled throughout Canada and the United States giving speeches in support of democracy. I visited many countries in times of both war and peace.
Clue #8
Museums, schools and hospitals are named after me. Awards and scholarships are given in my memory. My face has appeared on postage stamps in Canada and in the People's Republic of China.
It turns out to be that I share the most common characteristics with Norman Bethune. I have never even heard of this person, so I was not able to guess who it was by the clues. The only place I might have heard of him is in a Time magazine.
Characteristics we have in common:
- we both have two siblings
- we believe in keeping peace
- we both like science
- we both have a nickname though different ones
- we both know many languages
- I haven't yet given speeches or lectures in support of democracy
- I don't know Chinese or Spanish as a language
- my face has not appeared on postage stamps, though it would be cool if some day it does
- No scholarships are named after me
- my birth date is in winter
- I do not like painting murals with a length equivalent to 20 walls
Amit Jain, the man to live the longest, had continuously succeeded throughout his life. His discovery for the New Dimension is beyond remarkable. An average man uses 2-3 percent capacity of their brain. Albert Einstein used a whole 10 percent. Amit Jain had used 99.675 percent capacity of his brain. This human, is no ordinary man, because he has applied himself to 6 jobs. First a scientist, during which he had discovered a plant that cures cancer. Once an author, writing upon his magnificent inventions that aid the human society. Then later on, he became a transplant & infectious disease surgeon. During his time at this occupation, Amit was able to find a cure for Emphysema. Afterward, this young gentleman transformed into a genius of engineering. He invented a 4-passenger flight machine that was affordable for an average family and fuel-efficient. For his retirement job, Amit taught at Harvard Med.. He taught the kids how to understand and interpret the problem then reach beyond the image to find the answer. Amit has left us with a message, "Don't make statues, or put pictures, or name schools after me. Though, if you do want to remember me, than keep me in your heart."
Posted by amitj at 1:49 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Bonus Assignment #1 -Canadian Budget
The Honourable Jim Flaherty, Minister of Finance, put forward a comprehensive budget plan to start economic growth, restore confidence and support Canadians and their families during this global recession. The economic plan of 2009 will be help Canadian families and companies deal with short-term challenges.
This is how the 33-billion stimulus package is going to be spent.
They are spending 12 million dollars for roads, bridges, broadband Internet access, electronic health records, laboratories and border crossings across the country. This will help support economic growth and employment.
They are spending $7.8 billion to build quality housing, stimulate construction and enhance energy efficiency. This includes a renovation tax credit which is providing 4.6 million families each with 1,350.
The action plan is going to support businesses, communities and alt least 90 % of the Canadians affected by the economic downturn.
This is only what Jim Flaherty(conservative) thinks about the economic action plan. Since there is a minority government all the parties have to agree. These are some of the things they can consider before stimulating the economic action plan:
-Canada budget sees $85 billion deficit over 5 years
-could we spend the Canadian budget in a different way
-do we need more infrastructure, targeted loans, and tax cuts
-how badly do communities and traditional industries need our support
-the budget suggests that there could be economic opportunities in the North
Michael Ignatieff (liberal leader) agreed to the contents of the stimulus package
The budget, with the amendment from the liberals, could pass next week!
Posted by amitj at 6:11 AM 1 comments
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Assignment 6- Canadian- African famous people
Marlene Jennings was the first black woman from Quebec to be elected into the Parliament. Since then, she has devoted much of her time toward women , aboriginal people, ethnic and racial minorities. Marlene has participated in numerous international and national conferences. She has contributed by giving equality to those discriminated for who they are. Her confidence and support in the Black society has helped her to move forward in life. Marlene motivates the proper Human rights for ethnic people. She manages the public funds and also looks out for laws that are being overseen. Her involvement in the Canadian Society has made Canada a better place to live.
Ms. Jennings was the Liberal Justice Critic from February 2007 to January 2008. From July 2004 to October 2005, Ms. Jennings was the Parliamentary Secretary of Paul Edgar Philippe. She was also a member of the Quebec Police Commission and Deputy Commissioner for Police Ethics of Quebec. 1997 to 2001, Ms. Jennings was Secretary of the National Liberal Caucus. She has nine years of professional experience in the Parliament! Marlene Jennings received the Jackie Robinson Award and the Montreal Association of Black Business Professionals Award. She deserved to be acknowledged for her involvement in the community. I think we should look back and honour her for generosity to human kind. What an inspiring person!!!
Here are the sights I visited:
Posted by amitj at 10:34 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Posted by amitj at 2:01 PM 1 comments